Archived Watershed Ways
Art related Watershed Ways Articles in this document include:
Celebrating the art of the Ottawa River watershed
Ottawa River Institute adds heritage works to on-line gallery
Let's get passionate about our love for the Ottawa Valley
Energy related Watershed Ways Articles in this document include:
Using manure to generate electricity
Find out what the Green Energy Act will do for Ontario
ORI Promotes "Renewable" in Renfrew County
A million ways to conserve energy? So why don't we?
Ottawa Valley School most energy-efficient in province
The Argument in Favour of Wood Heating
Small hydro Ancient technology for modern times
Heating and cooling with earth energy
MPP shows leadership on energy conservation
Shower outdoors and save money!
Solar heating for everyone
Super-insulate for super savings!
Solar innovation that produces heat, hot water and electricity
Why not wood?
A refreshing vision for Ontario’s electricity future
Let the sun heat your water
Warmth through window covers
Waste cooking oil powers cars, trucks and buses
How to be a wood burning wizard
Using energy from the sun to pump water
Putting a magical bright red “blower” door to good use in Pembroke
Water power pioneers in Killaloe
Leading the list of energy innovators in the Ottawa Valley
The bigger story behind Katrina
Ten easy ways to save electricity
Conservation and renewable energy - for the little guy
A better energy future for Ontario
Let’s generate some negawatts
Sawdust and pellet stoves
The wind energy revolution
Make friends with your electrical meter
Environment related Watershed Ways Articles in this document include:
Denying the future
A Burning Issue….
Planning to protect water
A critical moment in Earth’s history
Electronics recycling
Knowing where you’re going
Fiddling while the planet burns (energy Inefficient appliances)
State-of-the-art waste management in the Ottawa Valley Renfrew County gets its first idle-free zones at schools
November 26 is "Buy Nothing Day"
Who drew the map?
Strawberries and sunscreen
Rich country, poor performance
Payment for services
Support growing for idle-free schools
Rubber and tires
What ever happened to global warming?
Running out of oil
Ladies and gentlemen: Turn off your engines
Living without lawn chemicals
Thinking about water scarcity
The coming global food crisis
Losing Nemo
Living systems for sewage treatment - Part II
Living systems treat sewage better for less - Part I
A vision of the future
Well Aware program comes to Renfrew County
Venus, Earth, Mars
Roofing to help save the earth
World Water Day is March 22nd
Welcome to the Ottawa Riverkeeper
Making Waste Work for Community
Do your bit for Kyoto and save $200
Keeping cool without warming the earth
Environment-friendly lawn care, or making friends with a skunk
Why was the river so high this spring?
Using fewer pesticides
Lawn care according to God
Learning to love the green cart
Ottawa River Institute sets up shop in the valley
Climate change is here
Local Food and Gardening Watershed Ways Articles Included in the document are:
Economic advantages of local food
Getting into market gardening
Helping farmers transition to organic
Eating with the seasons
A bounty of local food
August 22 is World Kitchen Garden Day!
Starting a Kitchen Garden
The beauty and practicality of raised-bed gardens
Hardy Fruit Trees
Pruning Fruit Trees Farming with nature
OVFC Buying Guide Coming; Watch for It!
The dandelions are coming!
Growing healthy organic food at the Corner Garden
Food comes from our ancestors
Making it easy to buy the food your neighbour grows! Seedy Sunday Celebrates Diversity & Cooperation
Eating locally no hardship, even in March!
Feed the World
Seedy Sunday helps to revive heirloom vegetables
Calling All Locavores!
A world of compost
Our food choices affect the environment
Singing the praises of cabbage…
Charismatic local food advocate coming to the Ottawa Valley
In praise of slowness
Eating locally for a better future
Organic farming deepens its roots
Cultivating respect for the lowly dandelion
Nine things to like about dandelions
Nature and Biodiversity Watershed Ways Articles in this document include:
Real economic growth
The Turtle Awakens
Leaves at your service
Wars over Wetlands
What Smokey forgot
Return of the beaver
Cultural landscapes
Nature’s waste treatment specialists
Invasion of the aliens
The bio-based economy
The eighth wonder of the world
How much is nature worth?
The Forgotten Forest Product
The overflowing sea of nitrogen
White Pines Part 2
Citizen science
What's happening to the white pines?
The Wonder of Snow
Take the nature challenge
The miraculous Monarch
Physical Activity related Watershed Ways Articles in this document include:
A proud pedestrian
Rails and trails
Smart growth requires community vision
Smart growth includes "walkable" communities
Science related Watershed Ways Articles in this document include:
How well do you know this place?
Lords of the Rings
Forced to gamble
Save the genes
Global dimming
Run, Walk & Roll!
Celebrate the solstice
Transportation related Watershed Ways Articles in this document include:
Country travel
Me and my bumper sticker…
The Friendly Art of Driving
“Gently” Driving the speed limit
Please don’t idle your engine