Ottawa Valley Nature Fix
Here in the Ottawa Valley we are blessed with an abundance of beautiful forests and wild areas near lakes and rivers where nature holds sway. Science tells us that spending time in nature has enormous benefits for our mental and physical health, benefits that are all the more valuable in these times of much bad news about the state of Earth’s ecosystems and climate. It is also true that we can only value and protect what we know about and appreciate so getting out in Nature helps increase our drive to protect our watershed and the incredible biodiversity that sustains us.
This initiative is our attempt to inspire us all to get out in nature more often. We hope to see you in the woods and along our waterways!
Ottawa Valley Nature Fix Fact Sheet
We have prepared a one page fact sheet for sharing on social media and posting on community bulletin Boards. It is available here as a pdf. And here as a jpg.
We invite you to visit our companion website, Renfrew County Nature Notebook which is a compilation of information and resources on natural areas in Renfrew County that are open to the public.
A series of walks and paddles will be offered in the coming months.
Check the Ottawa Valley Nature Fix newsletters to find out what's coming up.
The Ottawa Valley Nature Fix newsletter is sent to all ORI members and anyone else who is interested in receiving it. The newsletter highlights opportunities to get out in nature, feature destinations, nature sightings, reports on scientific findings and inspirational quotes. To subscribe to the newsletter, send a request to
Ottawa Valley Nature Fix Newsletters:
Ottawa Valley Nature Fix is supported by three Facebook Pages that we invite you to like and follow if you are a Facebook user:
Ottawa River Institute Facebook Page - for updates about ORI events
Nature Notebook Renfrew County - a page for sharing of wildlife photos, videos and sound clips
Nature Fix - Ottawa Valley - inspiration to get out in nature including destinations, events, inspirational quotes and updates on scientific findings
Here is a small document about the K&P - Reid Lake Crown Land Nature Trail