Our Projects
New ORI Initiatives
The Ottawa River Institute has put together a draft of some new initiatives that we would like to see developed over the next few years. With your help we can make these happen. Please let us know which projects should be given priority and why.
Send us an email with your thoughts to: info (at) ottawariverinsitute.ca
View the draft of initiatives here.
Since incorporation in 2001 the Ottawa River Institute has been working to:
Promote and support the wise use of resources
Increase understanding of the ecosystems within our watershed
Enhance appreciation of the Ottawa River watershed as a natural and cultural treasure
Create opportunities for watershed residents to celebrate and be nurtured by the natural beauty around us
Our projects include, among others:
Presentations and workshops on Renewable Energy, Home Energy Upgrades, Passive Solar Home Design and Green Building Practices, Community Power, High Efficiency and Low Emission Wood Burning
A 56-page report that presents a definition and vision of sustainable levels of energy use, ideas for how to make the transition and potential roles for ORI
Cooperative work with other groups on a variety of initiative to promote increased local food self-reliance
A Watershed Ways newspaper column that runs regularly in the Daily Observer, Renfrew Mercury, Arnprior Chronicle and Madawaska Highlander
Contemporary and heritage art inspired by the watershed and featured on our website
Collaboration with the Pembroke Area Field Naturalists on the development of the Renfrew County Biotabase
Promotion of community engagement through the interactive, rhythmic activity of drumming circles
Collaboration with the Bonnechere River Watershed Project to promote outdoor recreation and physical activity while encouraging stewardship and conservation of the natural environment through the Nature in Your Neighbourhood Project