Drumming Circles
Can you hear the beat? Rhythm is everywhere – a fundamental part of nature and of life that is as close as our heartbeat. We are delighted that ORI founding member Jean Brereton is leading a series of community drumming circles as part of our current collaborative project with the Pembroke Area Field Naturalists, funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation. Facilitated drum circles have many benefits. They increase teamwork and feelings of connectedness. In elderly groups they reduce isolation, depression and anxiety and promote physical coordination. Since the project started Jean has facilitated 20 drumming circles with hundreds of participants of all age groups across the county. More drumming circles are being planned for 2012. The project also has a mentoring component for aspiring community drum circle leaders. Contact Jean at jbrereton(at)hughes(dot)net for more information or to book a facilitated drum circle. For more information on the many benefits of drumming circles, please see the pdf document below.
Jean Brereton, left, facilitates a drumming circle at the launch of the project at the Pembroke waterfront.