Algonquin Trail

In August 2021, ORI signed an agreement with the County of Renfrew under its "Adopt-a-Trail" program, to maintain a section of the Algonquin Trail in the City of Pembroke. The section we adopted runs from MacKay Street to Greenside Street. It is about two kilometers long and is one of the most beautiful stretches of the trail, with several nice views of the Ottawa River and numerous mature trees.

Maintaining and enhancing this stretch of the trail supports our mission to foster sustainable communities and ecological integrity in the Ottawa River watershed. We hope to enhance biodiversity and promote trail use and appreciation through a variety of activities coordinated by our Algonquin Trail Committee.

Since signing our Adopt-a-Trail agreement in the summer of 2021, we have organized work bees to remove garbage, smooth ruts and remove weeds from the traveled portion of the trail. We have also planted native trees and shrubs along the side of the Trail. Many thanks to the tree donors and the volunteers who have helped make this happen!

Future plans include more planting of native tree, shrub and wildflowers species, removal of invasive species, construction of a bench in a scenic location on the trail, and educational activities.

If you'd like to assist with this project, please send an email to

Work Bee on the Algonquin Trail, October 2021.

Garbage removal Bee, October 2022.

Planting a small red Oak in September, 2022.