Join Us
Membership in the Ottawa River Institute is free of charge and open to anyone who supports the objects of the corporation (see Objects of the Corporation on right), and whose application is accepted by the Board of Directors.
The primary benefit of membership is the opportunity to join with like-minded individuals in the promotion of a healthy environment in the Ottawa River Watershed. Members are invited to participate in activities of ORI. They receive "member updates" and invitations to special events and to the Annual General Meeting, at which they will be able to vote for directors of the corporation. Members may, if they choose, receive the weekly "Watershed Ways" column by email.
To become a member, send an email stating that you would like to become a member, to: or call (613) 756-3884.
Objects of the Corporation
a. To organize or participate in environmental projects designed to:
preserve and protect flora and fauna of the Ottawa River watershed
preserve, protect and restore rivers in the Ottawa River watershed
improve urban environments in the Ottawa River watershed.
b. To educate and increase the public’s understanding of the environment in the Ottawa River watershed and its importance by offering courses, seminars, conferences and meetings and by collecting and disseminating information on that topic.
c. To develop and provide programs promoting the protection and preservation of the environment in the Ottawa River watershed
d. To conduct research relating to the environment in the Ottawa River watershed and to disseminate the results of such research.
e. To do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects.