POSTPONED! Artist Kathy Haycock to speak at ORI AGM June 4,2017
Post date: Apr 24, 2017 3:02:09 PM
Due to unseasonably cold weather forecasted for Sunday May 7th, we have decided to postpone our ORI outing and AGM until Sunday June 4th.
Spring is here, the ice is off the lakes, birds are returning from the south, and peoples’ thoughts turn to… Annual General Meetings?
Perhaps not, but the Ottawa River Institute has a very special one coming up, and you’re all invited!!! Everyone is welcome, you don’t have to be a member, bring a friend.
We're going to meet at 11 am on Sunday JUNE 4th at Buelow Beach on beautiful Lake Clear, on Buelow road, 15 km west of Eganville on Highway 512.
Long-time ORI board member and artist John Almstedt will lead one group in doing charcoal sketches of the Lake and Big Rock, made famous by Group of Seven artist A.Y. Jackson. Lake Clear and Big Rock are among a number of Renfrew County sites that A.Y. and other artists sketched and painted. Please bring your sketching supplies, or purchase a small sketchbook, pencils or charcoal.
Another group, led by me, will go on a short and leisurely photography outing along the Lake Clear shoreline, under the base of Big Rock, and into Hurds Creek and Little Lake Clear. Bring your kayaks or canoes, cameras, and something to eat.
For additional information, directions, or to arrange a spot in someone else’s boat, please contact us at
At 1 pm we’ll head over to John Almstedt’s cottage on Manning Road near the top of Big Rock for our AGM.
Well-known local artist Kathy Haycock will give a keynote talk about “The Group of Seven in Renfrew County”. We’ll hear about upcoming activities of the Lake Clear Conservancy and the Bonnechere River Watershed Project (BRWP). And, we’ll have our ORI business meeting (I promise to keep this part very short).
Consider joining the ORI Board. Celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday. Share ideas about how Heritage Designation of the Ottawa River can help local communities.
We really hope that you can join us for what promises to be a memorable event.
Contact us for more info at: