Watershed Ways

"Watershed Ways" is a series of articles highlighting progress toward healthy, sustainable communities in the Ottawa River watershed. It is distributed monthly to ORI members and Ottawa Valley print media, and via social media.

We welcome suggestions for topics to cover in future articles. You can e-mail us at info@ottawariverinstitute.ca

Our most current Watershed Ways articles are available below. More articles are available as links on the bottom of this page and on the More Watershed Ways and Archived Watershed Ways tabs. 

Our most current Watershed Ways Articles:

Fifty-one years of planting trees on the Dobson Farm in the Upper Ottawa Valley - November 2022

Putting Local Foods on the Menu for Holiday Celebrations - December 2022

Discovering the Magic of Native Plants - January 2023

The Wonder of Snow - February 2023

The Gifts of Old Growth Forest in the Ottawa Valley

Algonquin First Nations standing firm to protect Kitchi Sibi (the Ottawa River) from a giant radioactive waste dump 

Our Precious Wetlands

The Best Resolution: Spend More Time in Nature

Ten Things to Know About the Radioactive Waste Dump on the Ottawa River

Regenerating Life to Cool the Earth 

Natural Light - A Potent Elixir of Health